
AuditPRO Pilot​

About rStream

rStream is a waste robotics startup developing AI and robotics to revamp recycling and compost collection systems. The rStream AuditPRO is a patent-pending system which uses state-of-the-art AI technology to allow businesses to gather real-time data about their waste stream composition.

This project has been a collaboration in progress since 2019. The founders and UMass Amherst alums, Ian Goodine and Ethan Walko, developed the AuditPRO concept as students, won the 2021 Innovative Challenge and Engineering Senior Design Showcase. As a venture, rStream is now a National Science Foundation (NSF) and MassCEC award winning startup who has participated in a number of notable programs including the MIT Climate & Energy Prize and the Greentown Labs Incubator. They were recently listed as a “Top CleanTech Startup to Watch” by Boston Business Journal.

Our Project (August 2023 - Present)

  • August 2023: AuditPRO system installation in the UMass Campus Center
  • October 2023: Showcase Event in the Campus Center featuring rStream’s AuditPRO
  • January 2024: Began a new pilot at the Mullins Center