A Foraging Guide to Campus

This past semester, Anaadi Pooran, a student in the Master’s in Sustainability program, worked with UMass Permaculture Initiative Coordinator, Dan Bensonoff, to create a field guide to foraging on the UMass Amherst campus. 
The field guide presents detailed information on 21 different species of edible plants and mushrooms that can be readily found on campus. Also included are recipe ideas, foraging “hot spots” and more.  
Anaadi put together the guide after meeting Dan on a foraging walk with her class. She was immediately struck by how much free food is available at our finger tips, if only we know what and where to go. After graduating, Anaadi plans to return to her home island of Trinidad to work in the eco-tourism industry, which including creating foraging adventures for visitors who want to enjoy the lush natural fauna of the island. 

Link to Foraging Guide